Project Manager (m/w/d) Microsoft Dynamics 365 - bundesweit/remote möglich

Böblingen, DE
Governance & Project Management

Role introduction

Wir suchen einen dynamischen Projektleiter (m/w/d), der unser Team bei der erfolgreichen Umsetzung von IT-Projekten unterstützt. Du fungierst als Ansprechpartner:in für alles, was die Organisation, das Team, den Zeitplan und das Budget eines Projekts betrifft, gehst als Motivator:in für dein Projektteam voran und sorgst du dafür, dass wir die gewünschten Ergebnisse erzielen.

  • Als Project Manager bist Du für Digital Transformation Projekte unter Einsatz von Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Cloud Technology) verantwortlich. Dies umfasst u.a. die Vorbereitung, Planung, Steuerung und Durchführung von nationalen und internationalen Projekten
  • Zudem übernimmst Du die Verantwortung für den Projekterfolg in Bezug auf Umfang, Zeit, Profitabilität, Qualität und Kundenzufriedenheit
  • Du stehst in engem Kontakt mit unseren Kunden und unserem Management Team und steuerst die Projektteams vollverantwortlich gemäß abgestimmter Planung
  • Du steuerst das Ressourcen-, Risiko- und Vertragsmanagement (Änderungsmanagement) der Dir zugewiesenen Projekte
  • Du bist für die interne und externe Gesamtkommunikation und das Berichtswesen verantwortlich und nimmst an Lenkungsausschuss- und Strategiemeetings teil
  • Mit unserer bewährten und preisgekrönten Projektmethodik HSO Excellerate™ hast Du die beste Voraussetzung, anspruchsvolle Projekte zum Erfolg zu führen


  • Du verfügst über mind. 2-3 Jahre Projektmanagementerfahrung in Software/Cloud (SaaS) Implementierungsprojekten
  • Erfahrung mit der Anwendung von Projektmanagement-Standards (z.B. Prince2, SureStep, PMI, GPM, etc.), idealerweise auch in agilen Umfeldern
  • Erfahrung mit ERP-Systemen, Microsoft Dynamics 365 oder vergleichbaren Lösungen ist wünschenswert
  • Du verstehst es Projektteams (zwischen ca. 5 und 15 Mitarbeiter:innen) zu leiten, zu motivieren und zielgerichtet zum Erfolg zu führen
  • Du überzeugst durch Präsentationssicherheit und Erfahrung im Konfliktmanagement
  • Ein abgeschlossenes Studium (Schwerpunkt Informatik, BWL, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Naturwissenschaften) oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung
  • Sehr gute Deutsch– und gute Englischkenntnisse
  • Projektbezogene Reisebereitschaft

Benefits & about HSO

  • Result Orientation: Du arbeitest bei einem der weltweit größten und erfolgreichsten Microsoft-Partner im Bereich Microsoft Dynamics 365 und kannst damit die digitale Transformation vorantreiben.
  • Self-Determination: Wir kommunizieren auf Augenhöhe – mit deinen Ideen und Erfahrungen kannst du dich bei uns einbringen, eigenständig handeln und damit den Unternehmenserfolg aktiv mitgestalten.
  • Team Spirit: Da Menschen bei HSO den Unterschied machen, kannst du dich auf eine unterstützende, vertrauensvolle und wertschätzende Arbeitsatmosphäre freuen.
  • Career Coaching: Die berufliche und persönliche Entwicklung unserer Mitarbeiter:innen fördern wir durch unsere hauseigene HSO Academy, definierte Karrierepfade, regelmäßige Trainings und Feedback.
  • Onboarding@HSO: Unsere Mitarbeiter:innen profitieren von einer umfassenden Onboarding-Woche mit drei Tagen an unserem Standort in Böblingen. Du lernst dabei diverse Bereiche kennen und profitierst darüber hinaus von unserem Mentoring-Konzept als auch von dem monatlichen „Starter-Call“ für deine Orientierung und das Networking.
  • Hybrid-Workforce: Neben Einsätzen beim Kunden vor Ort oder an einem unserer Standorte hast du bei uns die Möglichkeit größtenteils aus dem Homeoffice zu arbeiten, bei maximaler Flexibilität.
  • Appreciation: Ein attraktives Gehaltspaket inklusive Zuschuss zur betrieblichen Altersvorsorge, Firmenfitness, Dienstradleasing, Mitarbeiterrabatte und außergewöhnliche Teamevents runden dein HSO-Feel-Good-Paket ab.


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Life at HSO

Career blog

The Journey to Lead Program

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Career blog

A Strong ambition and Innovative HR Approach 

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Heike Raubenheimer
Project Manager

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Ann-Sophie Schmid
HR Business Partner

Ann-Sophie Schmid

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Career blog

Meet our recruiters in Germany!

Please meet our recruiters in Germany and if there aren't any live vacancies feel free to make contact directly via email with your CV and cover letter. 

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Kevin Kotzab
Consultant Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE

From graduate to CRM Consultant in under two years

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Florian Jung
Consultant Microsoft Dynamics 365

Meet Florian Jung - from consultant to presales at HSO

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Georgiana Stuparu
D365 Team Lead

With a passion to help people grow, Georgiana Stuparu builds future leaders at HSO International

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Siyue Chen
D365 F&O Consultant

Meet Siyue Chen, a champion for innovation at HSO International

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Mark Bennigsen
Enterprise Architect

An Architect's Vision: Building Business Value at HSO

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Career blog
Great Place to Work HSO

HSO acquires Great Place to Work Certification

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Nadja Ozegovic
Communication & Change Specialist

Nadja Ozegovic on Remote working

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Disary Nath Sarkar
Software Engineer

A day in the life of... Disary Nath Sarkar

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Jolijn Hurkens
Young Professional

Meet Young Professional Jolijn

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Sam Yeo
Graduate Consultant

From Classroom to Conference room: How HSO's graduate program is shaping Sam's career

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Jaqui Hoyle
Head of Solution Architecture

Women in tech: From paper-based accounting to Head of Cloud Architecture

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Career blog

Collega's in de spotlight 

From India to Silicon Valley, and from Malta to Rotterdam: Siddharth and Divya Singh have lived all over the world and worked for the same employers. Together with their daughter, they have seen it all. How did the couple end up at HSO in the Netherlands? In this interview, they share their remarkable story. 

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Juan Bravo Vargas
Solution Architect

Meet Juan, Author and Innovator at HSO International

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Jandus Knoesen
Senior Integration Consultant

Meet Jandus Knoesen, HSO International's passionate problem-solver

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Sanya Chhabra
M365 Modern Workplace Architect

Sanya Chhabra empowers teams to transform themselves digitally

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Peter van Haaften
Engagement Director

With clear and personal vision, Peter van Haaften looks toward the future with HSO

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William van Zweeden
Marketing Manager HSO International

Employee Event: HSO International Says "Let's Meet at the Beach"

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Hannes van Heerden
Program Manager | HSO International

A pathfinder of business possibilities at HSO International

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Tudor Radoi
Business Intelligence Consultant | HSO International

Meet Tudor Radoi, who propels HSO clients to the next level

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Hatice Aydın
D365 Consultant | HSO International

Hatice Aydın, planting the seeds for success at HSO

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Celine Rodriguez
Senior BI Consultant | HSO International

The way of working at HSO is completely different

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Sviatoslav Shatokhin
Lead D365 Consultant | HSO International

Being output driven means HSO really suits me

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Camilla Krog
Project Manager | HSO International

Camilla Krog drives HSO International firmly towards success

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Oksana Danyliak
Sr D365 Consultant | HSO International

Oksana Danyliak driven to reach her full potential at HSO International

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Career blog

An inside perspective of HSO's Young Professionals Program Journey

After graduating as an Industrial Engineer in Turkey, Hatice Aydin decided to pursue a career in IT and Business Applications.  She was working on ERP projects and doing a master’s degree in software engineering. "It was at this time I realized I wanted to be involved in international and diverse projects while also gaining experience abroad. And so my path crossed with that of HSO International." Here is the story that brought me to HSO International’s Young Professionals Program (YPP).

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Peter Kooijman
Program Director | HSO International

HSO offered me the opportunity to work in an international company

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Hilde van der Meulen
Lead Consultant | HSO Netherlands

Meet Hilde van der Meulen, the ever-evolving mindset

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Career blog

Collaboration in a multicultural team 

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Career blog

Two enlightening weeks conducting BI training in Ghana

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Tulasi Sanil
Technical Lead | HSO India

Meet Tulasi Sanil

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Namitha Suresh
Analyst | HSO India

Meet Namitha Suresh

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Shirish Dattapuram
Sr. Functional Consultant | HSO India

Meet Shirish Dattapuram

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Paula Bianca Francisco
Manager Architecture Team | HSO Canada

Meet Paula Bianca Francisco - From Graduate to Manager

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Appaseheb R. Narasannavar
Associate Director | HSO India

Meet Appasaheb Narasannavar

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Miriam Clancy
Solution Architect | HSO United Kingdom

Miriam Clancy: From end-user to consultant

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Moritz Glaser
Solution Architect

Driving performance at HSO and ever evolving his career

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Erika Haverkamp
HR Officer | HSO International

Meet Erika Haverkamp, master of all trades at HSO International

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Divya Singh
Delivery Manager | HSO International

Turning unexpected opportunities into Gold at HSO

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Katie Bishop
Cross-Industry & Client Marketing Manager | HSO United States

No problem is too large or small when you collaborate

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Governance & Project Management

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Governance & Project Management

Application Manager (m/w/d) Microsoft Dynamics 365 - bundesweit

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Remote US

Governance & Project Management

Microsoft D365 F&O Senior Project Manager

As a D365 F&O Senior Project Manager you can expect to… Work closely with clients, stakeholders, and cross-functional teams to ensure projects are completed on time, within scope, and within budget Lead the end-to-end project management of D365 F&O implementations, including planning, execution, monitoring, and closing Develop detailed project plans, timelines, and budgets, ensuring alignment with client objectives and organizational goals Facilitate regular project meetings, including status updates, risk assessments, and issue resolution sessions Monitor and report on project progress, providing regular updates to clients and senior management Lead steering committee meetings and facilitate communication with all parties involved Support and manage project teams, project scope, project schedules, project risks/issues, and expectations Build relationships with clients and partners, identifying opportunities for HSO to help our clients with additional projects You’re great at… Being a strategic thinker with strong leadership skills, extensive experience in project management, and deep knowledge of D365 F&O Simultaneously managing project scope, tasks, schedule, and cost to ensure successful project delivery Collaborating with clients and stakeholders to gather requirements, define project scope, and establish clear project objectives, with a strong understanding of change management Coordinate with cross-functional teams, including functional consultants, developers, and business analysts, to ensure cohesive project execution, helping to expand scope of work and increase business Identifying and mitigate project risks, ensuring proactive management of potential issues Prioritizing tasks and communicating commitments with clients & team members Working in a highly collaborative team environment

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Governance & Project Management

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Governance & Project Management

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Développer des compétences, avoir de l’autonomie et faire partie de projets combinant des processus métier et de la technologie Microsoft si cela résonne chez vous alors passez à l’étape suivante de votre projet professionnel ! HSO cherche à embaucher des Chefs de projets Senior au sein de l’équipe HSO France. Ce rôle est composé de 3 principales missions1.) Gérer les projets pour les clients de HSO Gérer la livraison de bout en bout de projets de transformation technologique Microsoft Dynamics (365 / AX / CRM) de haute qualité Fournir des conseils à valeur ajoutée et travailler avec les entreprises clientes pour optimiser leurs processus métier . Information sur les avantages et les fonctionnalités de la technologie Microsoft Dynamics Conseiller les clients sur les aspects transformationnels de Microsoft Dynamics 2.) Développer de nouvelles affaires Établir des relations entre toutes les parties prenantes clés au sein des comptes clients Soutenir les initiatives de développement des affaires et de vente Soutenir le développement d’offres Microsoft Dynamics adaptées au marché pour les clients Développer l’empreinte de Microsoft Dynamics et créer des opportunités avec des clients 3.) Développer les compétences Soutenir la croissance de la pratique Microsoft Dynamics en partageant les connaissances, en développant un leadership éclairé et en soutenant les membres de l’équipe. Soutenir la pratique du conseil en technologie par le biais de développement de la pratique, création de propositions et de la formation individuelle et d’équipe. Aider les membres juniors de l’équipe à se développer grâce au mentorat et accompagnement de l’équipe projet.

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Why work at HSO?

At HSO we take pride in being large enough to serve, but small enough to care. We are uniquely positioned to empower you to transform your career without compromising your life and we take pride in investing as much in our people as we do in our clients.

  • 1


    At HSO we enjoy a culture of collaboration and support and a collaborative hybrid working model where we team flexibly with purpose at the heart of our working arrangements. We use teamwork not just to meet challenges, but to also promote one another’s success.

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    We believe strongly in our values of always learning, always evolving and not standing still. HSO is dedicated to the ongoing professional development of people starting with the training and certification of our early career starters through to supporting senior experienced professionals.

  • 3

    Value Driven

    Our values and culture are attractive to people who want to work with value-driven teams around the world. Collaborating with colleagues and clients who are experts in their field provides an exceptional opportunity in your career to be continuously upskilling and expanding your knowledge and talent for accelerated learning and career progression.

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    At HSO we transform the way in which people work and how businesses operate to get results for our clients. This takes exceptional cutting-edge technology, knowledge, talent, determination and entrepreneurial spirit. Our culture and values support entrepreneurial mindsets and attitudes where your voice will always be heard.