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  • Demo Series: Fundraising and Engagement - Constituent Management

Fundraising and Engagement Demo Series: Part 2 - Constituent Management

Understand and engage with those who support you while advancing your mission

Non-profits need to keep donor dollars flowing in, but they also need to keep those who support them engaged and utilized to their greatest potential. To do so, it’s important to have solid constituent management. Constituent management is the ability to track profiles and key relationships for individuals, households, and organizations, including:

  • Biographical Details
  • Relationships
  • Employment & Education History
  • Donations
  • Communication Methods
  • Activities

Without solid constituent management, your non-profit can’t see key information in one, centralized location, which means you cannot effectively engage with your constituents. This could result in, for example, crucial fundraiser information being delivered to the wrong address.

In this short demonstration of Constituent Management, a key component of Fundraising and Engagement (part of the Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit) you’ll understand how to manage contact records rather than just the contacts themselves. This reduces inaccurate data that gets in the way of staying in touch and understanding enough about the contact to know how to connect with them on a more personal level. You can see how to track contacts and activities more quickly and easily—and then know how and when to take action proactively.

At the conclusion of this brief but powerful demo, you’ll get a view into just one component of Fundraising and Engagement and how it can help your non-profit modernize constituent engagement and more while advancing your mission.

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Advancing Your Mission with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundraising and Engagement

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