Power Platform for Government

Cloud transformation, modernization, management, and governance with Microsoft’s next-generation cloud application platform

Federal, state, and local governments are quickly and cost-effectively embracing Microsoft’s cloud application platform to modernize legacy applications to become more responsive to citizens while at the same time improving efficiencies in operations: personnel management, training, inventory management, and deployment. We are experiencing a generational transition in the way organizations use, buy, and operate software.

The past era focused on implementing point solutions to solve specific business needs. Today’s forward-looking organizations are taking platform-first approaches upon which they deploy solutions to emerging challenges in less time at a lower cost through integration with other processes and data than what was previously possible.

These government organizations are leveraging Microsoft’s cloud application platform—including Power Platform, Azure, and Modern Workplace—to modernize legacy technology, meet new operational needs, re-imagine existing applications, and enable citizen developers.

HSO’s Approach to Power Platform Adoption

HSO’s cloud application platform team includes proven, world-leading experts in adoption, enterprise management, governance, and scaled solution development of Microsoft’s Power Platform in large enterprise organizations. Applying Power Platform Adoption Framework best practices —authored by several experts on our team—we guide our clients on their journey.

This Center of Excellence (CoE) as a Service approach begins with an assessment that leads to ongoing business value acceleration, enterprise management maturation, solution development, and application migration.

Landing Zone: Getting established in your cloud transformation

We begin with a Power Platform Assessment to understand the current state and create actionable next steps to build the platform. We’ll then test our initial landing zone by developing and deploying at least one high-priority solution identified in our envisioning.

Enterprise Management: The foundation for success

Five pillars and 22 component dimensions are continuously matured in the organization. The Enterprise Management Maturity Model helps us assess the maturity of enterprise management, and identify both organizational risk and opportunities to generate new business value.

Business Value: Using our Roadmap to drive return on investment

The roadmap is a prioritized backlog of workloads that are candidates for migration to or new solution development on the platform. It allows the organization to project Power Platform’s business value over time. Most enterprises will in time identify thousands of candidate workloads as they expand the platform’s reach to include more business groups. It is therefore important to prioritize the highest impact workloads.

Solution Development: Building beautiful and useful things

HSO’s development teams employ a proven framework for solution development focused on high-impact workloads and as part of a fusion developer, app factory approach to scaling solution development on Power Platform and across the Microsoft Cloud.

Migrate and Modernize... Your Way

Every organization is unique, and so are your challenges. We help accelerate development in the four areas or “flavors” large organizations want to address:,

  • Address new requirements by quickly building new solutions for emerging yet complex challenges, needs, or use cases
  • Re-imagine existing processes or applications by modernizing with a single source of truth for data
  • Sunset end-of-life legacy technologies (e.g., InfoPath, Lotus Notes, SharePoint workflows/apps, Access, legacy CRM/ERP, WinAutomation)
  • Enable citizen developers to build their own productivity-grade apps to meet less-complex needs

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