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De snelle ontwikkelingen in automatisering, AI en machine learning hebben een shift veroorzaakt naar smart en data-driven manufacturing. Wij helpen jou meer waarde uit nieuwe technologie te halen.
Financiële dienstverlening
Verstevig je concurrentiepositie in dynamisch speelveld en zorg tegelijkertijd da je voldoet aan de steeds veranderende regelgeving. HSO bouwt een compleet en geïntegreerd applicatieplatform dat efficiëntie en innovatie mogelijk maakt en processen en data verbindt.
Professionele dienstverlening
Mensgericht, klantgericht en projectgedreven: dat is professionele dienstverlening in een notendop. Onze technologische oplossingen maken betere besluitvorming, business development en effectief werken mogelijk.
Een optimale customer experience, het verstevigen van customer loyalty en slim supply chain management en fulfillment: onze retail- en distributieoplossingen brengen intelligentie, inzicht en efficiëntie in de complete keten.
Publieke sector
Wij ondersteunen non-profitorganisaties door applicaties te moderniseren, processen te automatiseren en inzicht te verschaffen. Intelligente technologie maakt succesvol relatiebeheer en meer impact mogelijk.
Wat we doen
HSO heeft de kennis, ervaring en oplossingen die je nodig hebt om te groeien en voorop te lopen in jouw markt.
Business Applications
De producten en oplossingen uit de Microsoft Cloud, inclusief Dynamics 365 zijn leidend in de markt. Maar de werkelijke kracht van Dynamics 365 Business Applications zit 'm in de integratie.
Cloud Services
HSO heeft een succesvol track record in het begeleiden van organisaties naar de cloud. Op basis van de wensen en behoeften van jouw organisatie bieden we een uitgebreide set diensten die je helpen om meer waarde uit de cloud te halen.
Data & AI
Wij helpen organisaties de kracht van data te benutten en succesvol te zijn met AI dankzij een dataplatform dat flexibel, schaalbaar en betrouwbaar is.
Onze Producten
HSO ontwikkelt eigen producten om gaps in de processen en technologie van Microsoft Dynamics 365 op te vullen. We leveren nieuwe apps, verbeterde processen en industriegedreven best practices.
Join HSO
HSO biedt meer dan een carrière in IT. Het is een kans om je doel te ontdekken, ambities waar te maken en een wereldwijde impact te maken. Join the journey!
Life at HSO
Bij HSO werken betekent meer dan alleen een stap in je carrière; het gaat om het vinden van je doel en het maken van een betekenisvolle reis op wereldschaal.
Graduate Programma's
Geef je carrière een kickstart met onze programma's voor net-afgestudeerden en starters.
HSO Academy
Van technische vaardigheden, soft skills, leiderschapscoaching, masterclasses, kennisdeling en erkende certificeringen - HSO Academy geeft je een persoonlijke en professionele kennis boost.
Alle vacatures
Vind kansen in Consultancy & Technologie, Projectmanagement, Leiderschap, Sales en Business Development, Marketing, Legal en HR.
Join HSO
HSO biedt meer dan een carrière in IT. Het is een kans om je doel te ontdekken, ambities waar te maken en een wereldwijde impact te maken. Join the journey!
Life at HSO
Bij HSO werken betekent meer dan alleen een stap in je carrière; het gaat om het vinden van je doel en het maken van een betekenisvolle reis op wereldschaal.
Graduate Programma's
Geef je carrière een kickstart met onze programma's voor net-afgestudeerden en starters.
HSO Academy
Van technische vaardigheden, soft skills, leiderschapscoaching, masterclasses, kennisdeling en erkende certificeringen - HSO Academy geeft je een persoonlijke en professionele kennis boost.
Alle vacatures
Vind kansen in Consultancy & Technologie, Projectmanagement, Leiderschap, Sales en Business Development, Marketing, Legal en HR.
Service Delivery Manager – HSO International Global Managed Services (GMS)
As the Service Delivery Manager (SDM), you will be the operational lead within a dedicated, multidisciplinary team of customer service engineers. Your primary responsibility is to deliver the highest level of quality and value in managed services to selected customers. Additionally, you are tasked with enhancing customer relationships, satisfaction (CES/CSAT), communication, service levels (KPI), and service contracts.
Using DevOps as a way of working, you will manage the backlog, sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and sprint reviews with your team and customers. You'll adjust planning as necessary to prioritise major incidents or escalations to be resolved. As a Team Leader, your goal is to support the team in achieving performance and improvement goals and career objectives and fostering a continuous learning mindset.
To be successful as a Service Delivery Manager, you should exhibit strong leadership qualities, a customer-centric attitude, and excellent teamwork skills. You should also possess excellent communication and analytical skills, be proactive, and be results-driven.
You are
You have
Why should you choose HSO International?
Development and growth
You get a job with plenty of career opportunities with a leading provider of innovative enterprise business solutions and a distinct Microsoft Global Solution Integrator who perceives your motivations, talents and ambitions.
International projects
Joining our team offers an exciting opportunity to engage in international projects, providing invaluable exposure to diverse cultures, markets, and perspectives.
Fun and success
You work in a professional and pleasant working environment with colleagues ready to help each other because success cannot be achieved without cooperation and pleasure!
A good reward
You receive an excellent salary (fixed and variable) and good benefits, such as a leased car, laptop and mobile phone.
Freedom and responsibility
You get a lot of freedom and flexibility to organise your workdays, especially to shape your career.
Learn more about Life at HSO International:
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Vul het formulier in, voeg je CV toe en wij nemen zo spoedig mogelijk contact met je op.
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Gerelateerde vacatures
HSO International
As a Business Developer, you are part of the sales and marketing team. A small yet highly motivated, experienced, and self-sufficient group of professionals determined to grow HSO International.It is your responsibility to find new opportunities, specifically for our service line Cloud Services. You seek, profile and nurture accounts. And take immediate action to qualify a lead the moment you feel this could be our next big deal. In addition, you make sure all Microsoft sellers in our target markets know who we are, what we do and when they should call you.About HSO InternationalTo meet the software deployment requirements of global, multinational, companies, ensuring control and consistency in the rollout of their projects, HSO brought together a group of many nationalities in one team: HSO International. On a daily base, more than 300+ professionals from more than 50 nationalities are working with customers all around the world to improve their business processes by implementing Microsoft Cloud Services & Business Applications.Key Responsibilities Execute desk research to identify, profile and qualify leads and accounts matching our ideal customer profile. Connect and engage with relevant stakeholders at designated target accounts Link the business challenges of target accounts to the HSO International proposition. Whatʼs in it for them? Work with the marketing team to follow up on marketing campaigns. Evaluate (inbound) leads and navigate Marketing Qualified Leads to Sales Qualified Leads. Work with the sales team to turn Sales Qualified Leads into Sales Accepted Opportunities. Connect and build relations with Microsoft enterprise sales in selected target markets. Build a marketing contributed pipeline.
HSO International
PositionHSO International - Dynamics 365 (AX) Finance Senior Consultant.What is your goal?To work in a senior role as an international finance consultant.About HSO InternationalHSO International is 100% focused on driving business transformations at multinational organisations using Microsoft technology. HSO International work with some of the leading brands in Retail, Distribution, Manufacturing and Professional Services. Together with 300+ colleagues at HSO International, you are a point of contact for companies that understand the big picture and oversee cross-border implementation issues. Learn more about Life at HSO International: Responsibilities Successfully deliver and implement Dynamics 365 F&O (AX) financial modules on international client projects. Deliver high-quality business and software application services to clients. The creation of high-quality and sustainable client solutions. Deliver all consultancy according to the HSO Project Methodology, ensuring that all software applications are implemented successfully according to the project plan. Meet customer expectations of business knowledge, skills and behaviour. Identify business/project risk and mitigate or communicate as necessary. Communicate progress updates to relevant parties both formally and informally. Participate in pre-sales activities as requested. Always represent HSO International professionally and positively. Advise customers on industries’ best practices proactively rather than passively.
HSO International
About HSO HSO belongs to the elite Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle, restricted to the top 1% of all Microsoft partners worldwide as well as the Microsoft Partner Advisor Board, and has delivered successful projects in almost every country. Today the business employs about 3,000 professionals and maintains a worldwide presence in Europe, North America, and Asia. About HSO International To meet the software deployment requirements of global, multinational companies, ensuring control and consistency in the rollout of their projects, HSO brought together a group of many nationalities in one team: HSO International. Over 300 professionals from more than 50 nationalities work with customers worldwide to improve their business processes by implementing Microsoft Business Applications. What is your goal? Take ownership of the recruitment life cycle for several key and high-profile business areas within HSO International. Support our bold growth strategy as a company.Take the next step! The ideal candidate for this role has experience working in a top tier search firm or an external recruitment agency as a Senior Recruitment Consultant or standalone Principal Consultant. They will have an impressive track record of working independently to source and place top talent. They will seek to step into an in-house Talent Acquisition Officer role within an international company. This role offers a hybrid working environment. The core focus of this role is to work strategically to secure the top talent for HSO International. The role... Create robust talent pipelines for HSO International's current and future hiring needs. Take ownership of the recruitment life cycle for several key, high-profile business areas. Maintain and create relationships with hiring managers and stakeholders. Discuss relevant recruitment strategies with hiring managers. Be a team player and work daily with the Talent Acquisition Associate, Talent Acquisition Officers and HR team to ensure a quality candidate pipeline and positive candidate experience. This role is responsible for sourcing candidates through various channels and planning interview and selection procedures. Plan interview and selection procedures, including screening calls, assessments and in-person interviews. Assess candidate information using our Applicant Tracking System, including resumes and contact details and help process candidates in the ATS Workable. Design job descriptions and interview questions that reflect each position’s requirements. Foster long-term relationships with past applicants and potential candidates. LinkedIn management: ensuring the careers page is current and posting relevant content to the community. Overseeing the careers page: posting adverts, liaising with marketing to ensure vacancies marketing reaches the ideal target market, JDs are consistent, and candidates are responded to. Overseeing Employee Referral scheme.
HSO International
Role: Senior Functional ConsultantDepartment: Global Managed ServicesYou will be part of our Customer Care Team, responsible for solving complex functional incidents and delivering continuous improvement in Dynamics 365 for our International customers. What are you going to do?You will be responsible as the functional point of contact within the team, working together with the Technical Consultants and the Service Delivery Manager, providing the highest possible level of support and Managed Services for our customers.You will perform functional tasks, such as Incident Management, Root Cause Analysis & Resolution, work on Request for Change (RFC), feature/module implementation, new release assessment, User Training and Documentation. Besides this, you will play an important role in our Continuous Service Improvement initiative that focusses on delivering and optimizing our services to provide even more quality and value to our customers.To be a successful consultant, you should demonstrate a customer-centric attitude and strong teamwork skills. You should also possess excellent communication and analytical abilities, be proactive, organized, and results-oriented. Working on incidents can be quite stressful, so you need to be able to handle that also.Responsibilities: Deliver high-quality business and software application services to clients. The creation of high-quality and sustainable client solutions. Meet customer expectations of business knowledge, skills and behavior. 2nd and 3rd line functional Incident Management and Incident Escalations (occasionally outside normal business hours for Prio-A incidents). Problem Management and Root Cause Analysis / Root Cause Resolution. Develop and deliver Design Document documents and work on functional/integrations changes (RFC projects). Develop, test, document and deploy changes and improvements. Participating in final stages of projects delivery (UAT, Hyper Care), managing project handover to GMS. Assessing customer feedback and using your creativity to establish, improve, and refine services. Communicate progress updates to relevant parties. Participate in pre-sales activities as requested. Always represent HSO International professionally and positively. Advise customers on industries’ best practices proactively.
HSO International
PositionLead Analytics ConsultantWhat is your goal?To play an integral role in helping our customers transform to data-driven enterprises.Take the next step!Are you looking for a job where you develop yourself quickly and immediately receive a lot of responsibility? Does the combination of business processes and Microsoft technology appeal to you? Take the next step in your career path!Leading Microsoft PartnerHSO belongs to the elite Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle, restricted to the top 1% of all Microsoft partners worldwide, and has delivered successful implementations in almost every country. Today the business employs c. 2.500 professionals and maintains a worldwide presence in Europe, North America and Asia.HSO InternationalWith 300+ colleagues at HSO International, you are a point of contact for companies that understand the big picture and have the ambition to increase their outcomes by a focus on becoming a data driven enterprise.Key Responsibilities Helping clients in setting up and achieving their Data Driven strategy Building up trusted relationships with our key customers and acting as a Trusted Advisor Positioning HSO’s data propositions with prospected customers Playing an integral role in positioning HSO as a partner to these prospected customers Developing opportunities into a strategic roadmap with customers that leads to multi-year partnerships / engagements Supporting the development of new propositions into new areas such as Data Management, Master Data Management, Data Governance, ESG reporting, etc. Leading data teams on won opportunities to set the teams up for success Cooperating with Project Managers and Solution Delivery Team. Guiding the development team with developing analytics solutions.
HSO International
Position D365 - Azure (Integration) Architect Department The Cloud team at HSO International, the global partner for multinational companies is looking for a seasoned D365- Azure Integration Developer looking to take the next step at a Global scale Location Europe, Amsterdam, and or remote Requirements To apply for this role, you must currently be living in the EU region and hold full working rights for the EU. Work across the globe Take the next step! Are you looking for a job where you develop yourself quickly and immediately receive a lot of responsibility? Are you a seasoned Azure (Integration) Architect? Then we are looking for you. The business Founded in 1989, HSO specializes in implementing, integrating, optimizing and maintaining enterprise solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Office 365 with a focus on multinational enterprises in industries such as Distribution, Retail, Manufacturing and Services (Construction, O&G, Professional Services, Field Service, Equipment Rental). Leading Microsoft Partner HSO belongs to the elite Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle, restricted to the top 1% of all Microsoft partners worldwide, and has delivered successful implementations in almost every country in the world. Today the business employs c. 1.220 professionals and maintains a worldwide presence with locations in Europe, North America, and Asia. What does that mean for you? We don’t just want you to join HSO International, we want you to stay! We don’t want you to have a job with us; we want you to have a career with us. We are ambitious to continue to be a world-class global implementation company. Our people are ambitious for the company and they are ambitious for themselves. We’ll hire you not just because of where you’ve been and what you’ve done, but of where you can go and what you can do in the future. Responsibilities Designing and delivering Azure API and associated data platform solutions Designing and integrating Azure platforms in a manner that allows the management and provision of data in a secure and reliable manner Documentation of solutions (e.g. data models, configurations, and setup) Research emerging technologies and trends to ensure the best possible outcomes are achieved Evaluate architectural integration options in terms of cost, benefits, risk, and systems fit to provide recommendations Communicate the integration strategy with key stakeholders to gain input, buy-in, and influence decision-making Work with other functional leads to understand the constraints, assumptions, issues and imperatives relating to their domain and determine how to address these over time Own and actively manage the integration platform roadmaps and associated designs Produce project integration architecture deliverables and review lower-level design documentation
HSO International
PositionInternational Dynamics 365 CE Field Service ConsultantWhat is your goal?To become the best international D365 CE & Power Platform ConsultantWork on Dynamics 365 CE & Power Platform projects across the globe. Take the next step!Are you looking for a job where you develop yourself quickly and immediately receive a lot of responsibility? Does the combination of business processes and Microsoft technology appeal to you? Take the next step in your career path!Personal developmentAs a CE & Power Platform Consultant, you will be in charge of your career and personal development with the support of our organization, working side by side with the customers, making a difference. In a few weeks, you will be ready to step into the exciting world of IT consultancy and business processes supported by the newest Microsoft solutions.Leading Microsoft PartnerHSO belongs to the elite Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle, restricted to the top 1% of all Microsoft partners worldwide, and has delivered successful implementations in almost every country. Today the business employs more than 2.500 professionals and maintains a worldwide presence in Europe, North America and Asia.HSO InternationalWith 300+ colleagues at HSO International, you are a point of contact for companies that understand the big picture and oversee issues of cross-border implementations. You follow the HSO Excellerate methodology to execute projects predictably, delivering high-quality results most efficiently.Learn more about Life at HSO International:
HSO International
PositionInternational Dynamics 365 CE & Power Platform (Technical) Solution ArchitectWhat is your goal?To excel as a leading international Dynamics 365 CE & Power Platform (Technical) Solution Architect by leveraging technical expertise and innovative solutions.Work on Dynamics 365 CE & Power Platform projects across the globe!Are you looking for a job in which you develop yourself quickly and immediately receive a lot of responsibility? Does the combination of business processes and Microsoft technology appeal to you? Take a next step in your career path!Personal developmentAs a CE & Power Platform (Technical) Solution Architect, you will be in charge of your own career and personal development with the support of our organization, working side by side with the customers, making a difference. You will be working with colleagues from different backgrounds in an international environment. Leading Microsoft PartnerHSO belongs to the elite Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle, restricted to the top 1% of all Microsoft partners worldwide, and has delivered successful implementations in almost every country in the world. Today the business employs c. 2.500 professionals and maintains a worldwide presence with locations in Europe, North America and Asia.HSO InternationalTogether with 250+ colleagues at HSO International, you are a point of contact for companies that understand the big picture and oversees issues of cross-border implementations. You follow the HSO Excellerate methodology to execute projects in a predictable manner, delivering high-quality results in a most efficient way.Learn more about Life at HSO International: Responsibilities Conducting envisioning discovery workshops and architecture design workshops. Making technology choices aligned with architectural requirements. Preparing and defining architecture designs, guiding business transformation and business-value approach. Providing proactive support in program/project delivery, anticipating issues and working alongside the delivery teams. Understanding the customer's operational landscape and leveraging it for architecture validation. Staying informed about evolving business technology trends to shape long-term strategic roadmaps and the feasibility of these in supporting our customers. Optimizing business processes for greater efficiency and effective technology deployment. Undertaking business process design and documentation. Facilitating agile, innovative projects alongside the main program. Maintaining a professional and positive representation of HSO. Meeting necessary certifications and accreditations for the role. Developing and updating internal tools and best practices for the Project team. Always represent HSO International in a professional and positive manner. Advise customers on industries’ best practices in a proactive rather than passive way.
HSO International
Work across the globeThe businessFounded in 1989, HSO specialises in implementing, integrating, optimising and maintaining enterprise solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Office 365 with a focus on multinational enterprises in industries such as Distribution, Retail, Manufacturing and Services (Construction, O&G, Professional Services, Field Service, Equipment Rental).Leading Microsoft PartnerHSO belongs to the elite Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle, restricted to the top 1% of all Microsoft partners worldwide, and has delivered successful implementations in almost every country. Today the business employs c. 1.000 professionals and maintains a worldwide presence in Europe, North America and Asia.HSO InternationalIn response to the need for multinational customers to ensure control and consistency in the rollout of their projects, HSO has established an international business unit - HSO International – a team of 200+ which acts as a link between the local HSO country offices, the HSO Alliance partners and customers to minimise risk and to ensure an efficient and consistent approach to international projects. (N.B. HSO uses its Excellerate methodology in combination with its Gartner-recommended Kernel-Rollout approach to ensure that simultaneous multi-country projects can be managed with minimal risk, increased efficiency, and predictable results).Learn more about Life at HSO International: for vacancyAs the digital transformation revolution gathers pace, there is a growing need to provide our customers with capabilities beyond the knowledge of ERP and its traditional implementation approach.Who should apply for this role?Only candidates with 4 + years of hands-on software implementation experience with Microsoft ERP Solutions.Job PurposeResponsible for the successful delivery of projects, ensuring: A quality delivery across all customer engagements Achievement of profitable services performance High customer satisfaction levels on implementation Achievement of crucial project objectives Motivation of individual members of the project delivery team Lead the planning and implementation of projects Facilitate the definition of project scope, risks, goals and deliverables Define project tasks and resource requirements Develop full-scale project plans Assemble and coordinate project staff Manage project budget Manage project resource allocation Track project deliverables and issues using appropriate tools Provide direction and support to the project team Quality assurance Constantly monitor and report on the progress of the projects to all stakeholders Present reports defining project progress, problems and solutions Implement and manage project changes and interventions to achieve project outputs Project evaluations and assessment of the result Ensure HSO Project Methodology is fully documented, used in all relevant pieces of work and understood and used by all the Consultants on the project
HSO International
Enterprise Architect HSO International seeks to hire an experienced Enterprise Architect with domain knowledge and technical expertise to align technology with business strategy, using Microsoft and third-party solutions for added value. Leading Microsoft PartnerHSO belongs to the elite Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle, restricted to the top 1% of all Microsoft partners worldwide, and has delivered successful implementations in almost every country. The business employs c. 2,500 professionals and maintains a worldwide presence in Europe, North America and Asia.HSO InternationalWith 300 colleagues at HSO International, you are a point of contact for companies that understand the big picture and oversee cross-border implementation issues. Learn more about Life at HSO International: LocationBased where appropriate, whether on the client site, in the office or working from home. Travel will be extensive and varied. Spending some time in the office developing relationships in-house with the rest of HSO International, keeping abreast of business developments, and understanding the company’s approach to the market will be required.Job DescriptionEnterprise Architect will be responsible for driving customer business transformation. This role involves: Presales Architecture Workshops Best practice materials creation Research and training Critical Responsibilities for Enterprise Architect: Led and supporting pre-sales activities, engaging with C-level executives and crafting business transformation proposals aligned with the business strategy. Conducting envisioning discovery workshops and architecture design workshops. Making technology choices aligned with architectural requirements. Prepare and define enterprise architecture design, guiding business transformation and business-value approach. Providing support in program/project delivery, working alongside Solution Architects and delivery teams. Understanding the customer's operational landscape and leveraging it for architecture validation. Staying informed about evolving business technology trends to shape long-term strategic roadmaps and the feasibility of these in supporting our customers. Optimizing business processes for greater efficiency and effective technology deployment. Undertaking business process design and documentation. Facilitating agile, innovative projects alongside the main program. Maintaining a professional and positive representation of HSO. Complying with health and safety policies and equipment care requirements. Meeting necessary certifications and accreditations for the role. Developing and updating internal tools and best practice content.
HSO International
What is your goal?To become the best international D365 ERP supply chain, consultantWork on Dynamics 365 (AX) projects across the globeTake the next step!Are you looking for a job where you develop yourself quickly and immediately receive a lot of responsibility? Does the combination of business processes and Microsoft technology appeal to you? Take the next step in your career path!Personal developmentAs a Senior ERP Consultant, you will be in charge of your career and personal development with the support of our organisation, working side by side with the customers, making a difference. In a few weeks, you will be ready to step into the exciting world of IT consultancy and business processes supported by the newest Microsoft solutions.Leading Microsoft PartnerYou work with Microsoft Dynamics 365, Azure cloud platform and our unique, industry-specific solutions to develop the best strategy for a digital transformation and design, implement and manage innovative cloud solutions for our customers.HSO InternationalWith 200+ colleagues at HSO International, you are a point of contact for companies that understand the big picture and oversee issues of cross-border implementations. You follow the HSO Excellerate methodology to execute projects predictably, delivering high-quality results most efficiently.Learn more about Life at HSO International: Responsibilities Deliver and implement Dynamics 365 F&O (AX) modules internationally; Deliver high-quality business and software application services to clients; The creation of high-quality and sustainable client solutions; Deliver all consultancy according to the HSO Project Methodology, ensuring that all software applications are implemented successfully according to the project plan; Measure customer expectations of business knowledge, skills and behaviour; Identify business/project risk and mitigate or communicate as necessary; Communicate progress updates to relevant parties both formally and informally; Participation in pre-sales activities as requested; Always represent HSO International professionally and positively; Advise customers on industries’ best practices proactively rather than passively. What does that mean for you?You work with Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform, Dynamics 365 and our unique, industry-specific solutions to develop the best strategy for a digital transformation and design, implement and manage innovative cloud solutions for our customers.We don’t just want you to join HSO International; we want you to stay! We don’t want you to have a job with us; we want you to have a career with us. We are ambitious to continue to be a world-class global implementation company. Our people are ambitious for the company, and they are ambitious for themselves. We’ll hire you not just because of where you’ve been and what you’ve done but where you can go and what you can do in the future.
HSO International
PositionInternational Dynamics 365 CE & Power Platform ConsultantWhat is your goal?To become the best international D365 CE & Power Platform consultantWork on Dynamics 365 CE & Power Platform projects across the globeTake the next step!Are you looking for a job in which you develop yourself quickly and immediately receive a lot of responsibility? Does the combination of business processes and Microsoft technology appeal to you? Take a next step in your career path!Personal developmentAs a CE & Power Platform Consultant, you will be in charge of your own career and personal development with the support of our organization, working side by side with the customers, making a difference. Just in a few weeks’ time you will be ready to step into the exciting world of IT consultancy and business processes, supported by the newest Microsoft solutions.Leading Microsoft PartnerHSO belongs to the elite Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle, restricted to the top 1% of all Microsoft partners worldwide, and has delivered successful implementations in almost every country in the world. Today the business employs c. 2500 professionals and maintains a worldwide presence with locations in Europe, North America and Asia.HSO InternationalTogether with 250+ colleagues at HSO International, you are a point of contact for companies that understand the big picture and oversees issues of cross-border implementations. You follow the HSO Excellerate methodology to execute projects in a predictable manner, delivering high-quality results in a most efficient way.Learn more about Life at HSO International:
HSO International
The Program Manager RoleTo capitalise on the opportunities presented by both existing and new international clients, HSO is looking to hire Program Managers within the HSO International team. These managers will be tasked with executing world-class program delivery, building deeper and closer client relationships, and growing revenues through targeted business/account development with HSO’s most prominent international clients.In this role, the Program Managers will predominantly manage or support international technology transformation programs with Microsoft Dynamics solutions, with a secondary focus on identifying and realising new business opportunities within the client base. They will be expected to work closely with the Microsoft Dynamics teams in the local country entities.There are three core elements to the role:1.) Delivering for HSO International clients Manage the end-to-end delivery of high-quality Microsoft Dynamics (365 / AX / CRM / ERP) technology transformation projects for international clients as discrete engagements or as part of more extensive technology programmes. Provide advice on enterprise solutions and work with enterprise clients to optimise their business and information processes and benefits of Microsoft Dynamics functionality and technology. Advise clients on the transformational aspects of Microsoft Dynamics, including enterprise and customer operating models, service delivery, mobility, and process execution. 2.) Developing new business with accounts Build relationships across all key stakeholders within allocated client accounts. Supported business development and sales initiatives, including bids, proposals, and contract / commercial negotiations. Support the development of tailored market-relevant Microsoft Dynamics offerings for international clients. Expand Microsoft Dynamics' footprint and create opportunities with international clients by working closely with other Senior Managers, Directors, and Executives across the business. 3.) Developing practice & Capabilities Support the growth of the Microsoft Dynamics practice by sharing knowledge, developing thought leadership, and supporting team members' career aspirations. Support the more comprehensive Technology Consulting practice through practice development efforts, proposition creation and individual & team training. Help junior team members to develop through mentoring and monitoring in the role of a project and Performance Manager.
HSO International
About HSO International Our dedicated team of professionals at HSO International is committed to driving business transformations for multinational organisations using cutting-edge Microsoft technology. We specialise in working with leading Retail, Distribution, Manufacturing, and Professional Services brands. At HSO International, we take pride in our diverse team of 300 professionals representing over 35 nationalities. This unique blend of cultures and perspectives is key to our success in transforming multinationals and deploying Microsoft Tech in over 45 countries. Discover more about Life at HSO International by visiting the roleJoining HSO International as a Solution Architect means ensuring solution integrity for implementation projects involving Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, coordinating consultant teams, and providing invaluable advice to customers regarding business system design and implementation. Your role will also include contributing to the development of HSO best practices and active participation in presales activities. Role location This position allows for flexibility regarding location within Europe, provided the candidate possesses full European or UK working rights. As our global projects may require travel and on-site work, candidates should be willing to work at home or on the customer's site or the HSO office as needed. For the right candidate, HSO International is ready to facilitate relocation to the Netherlands and provide a work visa, presenting an exceptional opportunity for personal and professional growth.
Waarom werken bij HSO?
Bij HSO zijn we trots op het feit dat we groot genoeg zijn om klanten te helpen, maar klein genoeg om dat met zorg en aandacht te doen. We kunnen je als geen ander helpen om je carrière vleugels te geven zonder daarvoor je privéleven op te offeren. En we investeren net zoveel in onze medewerkers als in onze klanten. Want we weten dat jouw kennis en de verdere ontwikkeling van je talenten van cruciaal belang is om resultaten te behalen, zowel voor je klanten als met je loopbaantraject.
De bedrijfscultuur van HSO kenmerkt zich door samenwerking. We bieden ondersteuning voor een hybride werkmodel waarin op flexibele wijze in teamverband wordt gewerkt. Doelgerichtheid staat aan de basis van al onze werkverbanden. We zetten niet alleen in op teamwork om projecten tot een goed einde te brengen, maar ook om elkaars succes te bevorderen.
We geloven in de noodzaak om te blijven leren en jezelf voortdurend verder te ontwikkelen. Want stilstand is achteruitgang. HSO draagt bij aan de continue professionele ontwikkeling van zijn mensen. Zo bieden we starters mogelijkheden voor training en certificering en helpen we senior professionals om hun loopbaanmogelijkheden en werk voor HSO optimaal te laten aansluiten op hun specifieke levensfase.
Onze bedrijfswaarden en -cultuur zijn aantrekkelijk voor mensen die binnen prestatiegerichte teams in alle delen van de wereld willen werken. We werken samen met collega’s en klanten die experts op hun gebied zijn. Dit biedt je uitgelezen kansen om je voortdurend nieuwe vaardigheden eigen te maken en sneller te leren en de carrièreladder op te klimmen. Ben je resultaatgericht en wil je vooruitgang boeken met je carrière en projecten voor klanten? Dan ben je bij ons in goed gezelschap.
Bij HSO veranderen we de manier waarop mensen werken. Zo willen we onze klanten aan optimale resultaten helpen. Dit vraagt om geavanceerde technologie, kennis, talent, doorzettingsvermogen, ondernemersgeest en een professionele instelling. Het is onze taak om tijdens elke stap in het traject de juiste oplossingen voor klanten te vinden. We werken graag samen met mensen die bereid zijn om nieuwe dingen uit te proberen, early adopter te zijn, dingen te onderzoeken en gecalculeerde risico’s te nemen.
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With your consent, this website will load the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing tag which enables HSO to score leads based on your level of interaction with the website. The cookie contains no personal information, but does uniquely identify a specific browser on a specific machine. Learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing cookies here.
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