Slim4 Integration

Supports your company in better decision making: an integrated solution for forecasting, demand planning and inventory control.

Slim4 Integration is an integration solution that supports your company in better decision-making. It integrates Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management with Slim4 inventory optimization for generic items and item variants.

Slim4 Integration is an integrated solution for forecasting, demand planning, and inventory control and works by management by exception, which is supported by both precise and reliable analysis. Consequently, supply chains will see inventory being delivered at the right time, to the right place and in the right quantity. Our agile, proven solution can support your business to transform your distributional capabilities, enhance your productivity, optimize your business processes and drive business growth.

Slim4 Integration is available for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.

Key Benefits

Benefits of Slim4 Integration

  • 1

    Pro-active inventory management

  • 2

    Improved service levels

  • 3

    Standard, ready-to-use interface

  • 4

    Planned orders visibility

Main features

These are the main features of Slim4 Integration.

Exporting & Importing

Export to Slim4 available are, transaction history, inventory, open demand, and open supply, many additional user-defined item information and generic and variant data (optional). Slim4 Integration analyzes the data and the required service levels and calculates seasonal patterns, and optimal inventory levels, and proposes, planned purchase orders, planned transfer orders and planned production orders.

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