Copy Released Product

A powerful tool that saves significant time in the creation process of newly released products and their related data thereby enabling cost reduction.

With the manual process, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Catalogue Manager needs to fill many setup fields like the units, warehouse settings, item groups, and prices. In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management standard templates or retail categories can be used for the quick creation of newly released products. However related data like for example trade agreements or unit conversions still need to be set up manually.

Using Copy Released Product, the Catalogue Manager can determine which of the additional data should be copied from another template released product. Copy Released Product is a must-have app to reduce costs and optimize productivity!

Copy Released Product is available for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.


  • Integration with product information management of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
  • Option to choose which additional settings of a released item needs to be copied
  • Integration with the standard attributes of Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations
  • Applicable for service products, products and product masters
  • …and much more

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