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  • A platform first ERP approach to deliver modern agile policing

Episode 2: A platform first ERP approach to deliver modern agile policing

In this episode we discuss the importance of adopting a platform first ERP approach to deliver modern agile policing with Director at Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit and National VRU Data Insight Lead and Systems Change Mentor, Director Data, Strategy and Technology at Warwickshire Police and Director, Cloud Application Platform HSO

Adopting new advanced technology, and delivering modern agile policing, starts with the right platform approach. It’s a subtle mindset shift that helps overcome much of the flawed technology adoption approaches police forces take today.

In this podcast, experts from the world of technology and policing sit down to discuss the big question: WHY is a foundational approach the right approach when looking at ERP projects, or any IT project? And what positive policing behaviours can new approaches to technology create?

You’ll hear from Thames Valley Police and Warwickshire Police as they detail their strategies and approach to transforming back-office systems to improve operational policing.

A platform first ERP approach to deliver modern agile policing

Watch the 2nd episode from the four-part series below where we will be reviewing how modern Enterprise Resource Planning strategies impact and enable smarter policing across the UK.

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