• Dynamics Matters Podcast Ep 97: Closing the resource gap with Power Platform

Dynamics Matters Podcast Ep 97: Closing the resource gap with Power Platform

With special guest Fil Kamps, Power Platform Lead, Kent County Council

✔ How collaboration is changing the status quo

✔ How to improve service delivery with fewer resources

✔ Why the barrier to new technology adoption is lower than ever

Embracing Change in Local Authorities

Fil Kamps holds the position of Technology Innovation Manager and Platform Centre of Excellence Lead for Kent County Council, the largest local authority in the country. His work revolves around driving process efficiencies through automation, a task that comes with its unique challenges. The most significant obstacle he faces is the resistance to change within a workforce accustomed to traditional methods of operation. Embracing technology is not inherently natural for local government employees, making it crucial to demonstrate the value and benefits it brings to their working lives.

The Nature of Local Authorities

The slow pace of change in local authorities is often attributed to their bureaucratic and hierarchical nature. Endless processes and approvals can impede progress and hinder the rapid adoption of new technologies. As a result, agile thinkers may not initially be drawn to work with local authorities. However, Fil emphasises the importance of finding innovative ways to improve service delivery and drive efficiency despite these challenges.

Low-Code Technology: Bridging the Gap

The conversation shifts towards the topic of low-code technology, which Fil enthusiastically endorses. Low-code platforms empower citizen developers to create applications and automate processes without extensive coding expertise. This democratisation of technology allows a broader range of employees to contribute to digital transformation efforts. As resources become scarcer, low-code technology proves instrumental in bridging the gap and enabling local authorities to do more with less.

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The Rising Adoption of Low-Code Tech

Fil believes that low-code technology is gaining traction among local authorities. An increasing number of organisations are beginning their platform journey and deploying toolkits to streamline processes. Senior leaders are recognising the benefits of low-code technology and investing in teams to implement and govern these solutions across their organisations.

The Importance of Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge sharing has been historically lacking in the public sector, with organisations working in silos and failing to share best practices. However, Fil believes that the situation is improving. Initiatives like the innovation collaboration forum by Microsoft encourage local authorities to come together and share solutions, ideas, and documentation, fostering a collective community that can drive successful technology adoption.

Becoming Technology-Driven: A Path Forward

The path to becoming a technology-driven local authority lies in recognising the increasing importance of technology in service delivery. As digital estates grow and physical estates shrink, technology becomes a vital component in meeting the needs of an evolving population. Embracing the next generation of tech-savvy individuals and creating an attractive, innovative culture within the public sector will be key to driving successful technology adoption.

Embrace change, accelerate value

In conclusion, the conversation with Fil Kamps highlights the transformative potential of low-code technology in local authorities. By embracing change and making technology more accessible, local authorities can overcome challenges and drive efficiency in service delivery. The growing adoption of low-code platforms signals a positive shift towards a technology-driven future. As we move forward, the synergy between technology, innovation, and a supportive work environment will be the driving force behind successful digital transformation in local government agencies.

In today's rapidly evolving world, technological advancements play a crucial role in driving efficiency and enhancing services. For local authorities like Kent County Council, the challenge lies in adopting new technology to meet growing demands while operating with limited resources.

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