• Dynamics Matters Podcast Ep 112: Beyond the hype of AI, towards everyday technology impact

Dynamics Matters Podcast Ep 112: Beyond the hype of AI, towards everyday technology impact

With special guest Andrew Welch, CTO of Cloud Services, HSO.

In this episode we discuss:

✔  How to break the walls to adopting AI

✔  Where a data-driven ecosystem fits

✔  4 actionable take aways to get started with AI

The technology side of scaling Artificial Intelligence

The buzzword "AI" echoes across industries, promising a future of automation and optimisation. But how do we navigate the chasm between this potential and everyday reality? This is where scaling AI comes in, and it's not just about fancy tech – it's about a human-centered transformation.

Breaking down the walls to AI adoption

Imagine an organisation trapped in a "Tower of Babel," where isolated teams hoard technology and data like precious jewels. This siloed approach stifles AI adoption. The solution? Ecosystem-oriented architecture, a philosophy that dismantles these walls. Teams collaborate, data becomes a shared resource, and AI thrives on this fertile ground.

Empowering the human touch

Forget the sci-fi trope of AI replacing us. The true power lies in humans and AI working together. Tools like Microsoft's Copilot Studio and Power Platform democratise AI, putting its power into the hands of everyday users. Imagine building custom AI solutions to streamline workflows, analyse data, and solve problems – all without needing a Ph.D. in machine learning.

Building a data-driven ecosystem

The foundation of this AI-powered future is data. Microsoft's fabric technology acts as a data whisperer, seamlessly stitching together information from disparate sources, legacy systems included. This unified data lake becomes the fuel for AI applications, powering intelligent solutions across the organisation.

How to make your new Microsoft project a guaranteed success

In 10 minutes, this brochure shows you how to launch projects in the quickest possible time, resolve mistakes and mishaps, and keep your ongoing costs to the barest minimum.

How to make your new Microsoft project a guaranteed success

The long Game: technology mindset shift, not revolution

Scaling AI isn't about ripping everything down and starting anew. It's about evolving our mindset. We need to embrace data as a strategic asset, not just a digital footnote. We need to prioritise collaboration over competition, building bridges between teams and technologies.

From AI hype to impact

The journey to AI-powered success isn't paved with quick fixes or magic spells. It's a marathon, one where every step matters. By investing in tools like fabric and low-code platforms, fostering collaboration, and embracing a data-centric mindset, organisations can unlock the true potential of AI – not just for the "big problems," but for everyday tasks, individual empowerment, and a future where humans and AI work together to make the impossible, possible.

Ready to scale your AI journey? Here are some actionable takeaways:

  • Break down silos: Foster collaboration and shared ownership of data and technology.
  • Empower your people: Invest in tools that democratise AI and put its power in the hands of everyday users.
  • Embrace a data-centric mindset: Treat data as a strategic asset and make it accessible for AI applications.
  • Start small, evolve fast: Don't wait for a perfect revolution – take incremental steps and adapt as you learn.

The future of AI isn't about replacing us – it's about augmenting us. By embracing a human-centered approach to scaling AI, we can unlock a future where technology empowers us to solve problems, create solutions, and build a better tomorrow, together.

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