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  • SFOTF Expert View Why cloud computing can be a smart move for regulated businesses

Smart Factory of the Future Expert View series: Why cloud computing can be a smart move for regulated businesses

As recent as five years ago, regulated industries such as biotech and pharmaceutical companies were apprehensive about operating FDA/MHRA-regulated business applications like finance and operations in the cloud. The concept of SAAS ERP or cloud computing was not only daunting, but it also raised a lot of questions.

But now the tide has turned, and regulated industries are embracing cloud computing, viewing it as not only a smart move but a necessary one.

Find out how to do it and hear stories about how moving to the cloud has brought many benefits including cloud push updates, instant scalability, and improved cybersecurity.

Watch our recent interview with Bill Burke, CEO and Founder of Merit Solutions, who shares his wealth of experience with Matt Birtwistle, Manufacturing IMU Director, HSO. He also shares some real stories about what can go wrong if you don’t make the move to the cloud.

Smart Factory of the Future Expert View series

Why cloud computing can be a smart move for regulated businesses

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