Case Management

Helps government agencies and programs improve outcomes by supporting the entire case/client life cycle

Government agencies and programs depend on specialized processes and technology to manage cases, participants, outcomes, and other requirements.

Manual, paper-based processes OR outdated, ill-equipped technology can exacerbate the complications inherent in a network of care, resulting in duplication of effort and errors. This can impede your ability to provide the right level of care and negatively impact outcomes.

Features that support the entire case/client lifecycle

  • Effectively track and manage cases from intake to discharge
  • Easily tailor your system to the way you manage cases
  • Use centralized data from across programs to gain visibility, promoting closer collaboration on action or treatment plans and smoother transition between programs and providers
  • Dynamically create assessments within a program utilizing no-code functionality
  • Promote quality and continuity of care with a 360-degree view of clients/cases in a convenient dashboard
  • Keep case notes and other sensitive data private
  • Track incoming and outgoing referrals, both within the agency and with other outside organizations and programs
  • Monitor and manage caseloads and utilization
  • Easily set milestones and measure and report on outcomes
  • Work with familiar browsers, devices, and tools like Outlook

A client-first focus

HSO’s Case Management Accelerator is built on Microsoft Dynamics 365, extending the Microsoft Power Platform and utilizing the Government Community Cloud (GCC) security. It is an integrated client and case management framework designed to support the complete case or client life cycle from intake to discharge and reporting on outcomes:

A flexible and all-encompassing accelerator

HSO’s Case Management Accelerator is transparent, offering reporting functionality to meet all administrative and financial oversight procedure requirements. Security at each step can be locked down to suit the needs of your processes and help you comply with HIPAA and other privacy requirements.T

The tools included in this flexible, customizable accelerator are designed to support the case management of social services aimed at providing a pathway to self-sufficiency in areas of mental health, education, employment, housing, and more. It has been used to manage casework in many areas, including mental health, foster care/transitional services, education/workforce readiness, and housing assistance/homelessness. Regardless of the types of services, you can improve efficiency and efficacy with process support at every stage.

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