CNV members handle affairs online thanks to the Power Platform

An extensive and user-friendly environment for union members

CNV and no less than 250,000 union members are discovering the convenience of the Power Platform

Thanks to this platform, members can now access a portal where they can easily handle their affairs online. This includes updating personal information such as name, address, and employer details. HSO has provided a user-friendly system for this purpose. Armand Jansen from CNV and Hein Jochems from HSO share their insights on this digitalization initiative.

Entering and modifying data digitally

The request from CNV was to create an extensive and user-friendly environment for union members. The portal was intended to become the new tool through which they could easily handle various matters. This includes signing up for events and strikes, as well as modifying collective labor agreements or personal information. This way, people no longer need to rely on phone calls or emails as CNV also offers the option to input data digitally.

"With the new tool, we provide a convenient way for every target group to submit data to CNV."

Armand Jansen CNV

The perfect foundation

The Power Platform turned out to be the perfect foundation to build a user-friendly portal for a large number of visitors. CNV already had a few "My Environments," but these were quite basic with limited functionalities, as Armand explains.

Over the course of six months, HSO worked on creating the perfect solution, ensuring that all functionalities were as user-friendly as possible. It all started with workshops involving HSO specialists and CNV's product owners and stakeholders. From there, an outline was developed, serving as a strong foundation for HSO to build upon.

Customer journey

The goal was to optimize the customer journey as much as possible. Armand explains, "While people can still handle matters through phone calls or emails, many members find it very convenient to do so through an online environment." Hein adds, "As a result of this new development, the service desk and help desk receive fewer inquiries. Members can handle matters on their own without needing to call CNV employees."

Challenge for HSO

A user-friendly and straightforward portal was a key requirement from CNV. Hein explains, "Because you can imagine that if everyone has to click through an extra step, that would result in 250,000 unnecessary extra clicks."

Making it as simple and user-friendly as possible was easier said than done. Therefore, HSO consultants worked closely with CNV's product owners. Armand states, "Our employees are discerning and have a clear vision of the desired end result. What might be 'user-friendly' for a technician could still be complicated for a member of our union. Our product owners were mindful of this."

Providing a mirror

Armand describes the collaboration with HSO as pleasant. "They have expertise and aren't afraid to hold up a mirror to us. That way, we are confident that we have the best solution for our needs." Hein also expresses enthusiasm about the collaboration, saying, "It's open and approachable. We can reach out to the product owners at any time. Having a designated point of contact works very well."

"We know that HSO has a wealth of knowledge and experience."

Both CNV and HSO expected the collaboration to run smoothly right from the start, as they had worked together on previous projects. CNV didn't hesitate to choose HSO as the partner for implementing this new system. Armand explains, "We knew they had a lot of knowledge and experience. Our previous collaboration went very well, and this was the case once again."

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