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Connected Relationships in AEC Software:
It’s Who You Know

Neil Holmes
14 Jul, 2023

Architecture, engineering, and construction firms work on two fronts: winning new business while keeping existing customers happy and loyal. Technology can be a big help, but you must also understand how to apply that technology for it to do its job in helping you build a Connected Firm. In this blog article, part of our series on the Connected Firm, let’s discuss the role of Connected Relationships.

We’ve all heard the phrase: it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. If you work for a professional services firm, you know this couldn’t be truer. And if you work for an AEC firm, this phrase should be your mantra! As a result, your AEC Enterprise Relationship Management (ERP) software should support Connected Relationships.

For AEC firms, strong relationships drive sales

Almost all your clients have repeat business opportunities that could become your next project. But you really need to know the prospective client and its decision makers to win the work. Commercial clients, higher education institutions, healthcare organizations, and government agencies all have their “go-to” consultants.

How do you break into these opportunities without a current relationship with the prospect? What’s the best way to get an introduction to get things started?

Develop key connections based on your firm’s current relationships

You may not know the prospect directly, but you likely know someone who does. Your connections may be well connected! You have internal relationships with co-workers. They may know the prospect. You have external relationships with your business contacts. They may also know the prospect. Both groups are perfect sources for you to get that warm introduction you’re looking for. You need to tap into those existing relationships so you can develop new ones.

Discover your best internal connections with relationships360

With relationships360 by HSO, you will see who in your organization currently has the best relationship with any contact. It will collect data about your co-workers regarding who they’ve been in contact with and what type of contact it was. The screenshot below is from relationships360.

For instance, if you want to see whom we have the strongest connection with at Ankura Consulting, you can see every touchpoint our firm has had. The contact at Ankura that has the highest score based on those touchpoints is Lela Elliem. Then, you have the option to see who at our firm has the best relationship with Lela based on those quality touchpoints. Now, you’ve discovered that Harry Tribou will give you the warmest introduction to Lela.

Contact and relationships screenshot

relationships360 also determines your best external connections

A relationship management application like relationships360 will go a step further and provide direct access to your external network, typically LinkedIn. In the relationships360 screenshot below, the user clicked on the menu option “Sales Navigator.”

In this example, if their contact was Mark Becker, the application brings them directly to a LinkedIn page for Mark Becker. The Get Introduced tab shows our mutual connections. There are also tabs for Icebreakers and Related Leads. From this screen, the user can message any of their contacts asking for an introduction.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator Page

relationship360: It helps you learn whom you need to know

Relationships drive sales. Leveraging your current relationships is the best way for you to develop a relationship with a new prospect. A well-designed relationship management system like relationships360, will help you understand which internal relationships and external connections will help you get a warm introduction to the prospect. With that introduction, you are off and running with a new relationship…AND all the opportunities that will help you win more business!

On-Demand Webinar: How to Achieve a Connected AEC Firm with Dynamics 365 and aec360

With aec360, you can have a Connected Firm and all its benefits. Let us show you how in this on-demand webinar.

Read more about the connected AEC firm

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