Chapter 4

Bridging data silos

The National Policing Digital Strategy pointed towards a need for improved data literacy in the police. With the data mountain growing, making use of this vast store of information is key to streamlining back-office functions. Ultimately, technology enables better policing. With the tools available, officers are freed up from administrative tasks, allowing them to spend more time policing their communities

However, siloing of data has historically created a drag on processes. Backlogs are growing, one notable example being digital forensics. Bridging data silos Reviewing force effectiveness, His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) found that many were “overwhelmed and ineffective”(12), with more than 25,000 digital devices waiting to be examined.

How Enterprise Resource Planning can help shape a force fit for the future

Police forces today deal with a diverse and unique range of challenges. There are frequently varying responsibilities, new priorities, and a continual need to support society whilst negotiating budgets.

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Shifting from siloed data is essential. By adopting a platform-first mindset, data can be made easily accessible to authorised users. Building solutions on top of single data sources simplifies integration between different applications. Solutions such as Microsoft Dataverse support the workforce by enabling secure, streamlined collaboration. Low-code development is scalable as required, allowing both intra and inter-force applications access as appropriate, providing a firm foundation to enable an agile approach that evolves with police force needs.