Arrested Development: How to create a more innovative police force

This whitepaper, the third in a four part series, looks at how modern ERP technology is enabling police forces to reduce manual processes and free up more time to spend supporting communities.

Improving access and connecting police services with ERP

This series looks at barriers to ERP change, and ways in which they can be overcome. It explores the latest developments in ERP, demonstrating why now is the time for police forces across the country to look again at how deployment of ERP platforms can help drive organisational change, enabling optimal management of resources and unlocking efficiencies on a greater scale.

The end result: a more efficient judicial system and safer and more receptive communities.

Understanding the art of the possible

This paper, the third in the series, looks at how police forces can approach innovation and technology adoption whilst reducing the risk seen in past failed IT projects. Part of the approach discussed is using modern ERP to exploit new innovations that wrap around the technology a police force may already have.

Forward-thinking leaders and teams are looking again at how advances in ERP can be used to increase productivity throughout their force operations.