Graphical Planning & Scheduling

Shifting production orders between resources is challenging; other challenges include merging anonymous manufacturing and to-order assembly; real-time, accurate, and in-one-screen planning; optimizing production changeover times to enable maintenance.

Aerial view of shipping containers for supply chain

Utilizing efficient production planning and scheduling, you can overcome some of the challenges of the present. By adopting Dynamics Graphical Planning & Scheduling today, you can get ready for the future. Graphical Planning and Scheduling provides you with a real-time overview of your projected capacity for each resource with the use of straightforward drag-and-drop changes to the plan.

Graphical Planning & Scheduling is available for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.


All Relevant Data in one view

A clear and detailed overview of all activities planned for your resources. Your planner can keep an eye on all relevant data presented on one screen which consists of three sections.

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