Business Rules and Blocking Reasons

Companies are continually looking for solutions that can automate and enhance business processes by establishing business rules and creating a firm control over various aspects of sales and purchase processes.

With Business Rules & Blocking Reasons, companies can control several sales and purchase processes. This can be done by using our solutions for purchase, sales orders, and sales quotations, creating user-defined business processes and maintaining the behavior of these processes.

Business Rules & Blocking Reasons is available for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.


  • 1

    Easy blocking for sales & purchase orders

  • 2

    Differentiated control

  • 3

    Improved grip on business behavior

  • 4

    Flexible status change along with changing rules

Blocking Reasons

Blocking Reasons provides the ability to differentiate the blocking per process step, allowing for a more precise and unique use of signal codes. The advantage of our solution over the released version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is the ability to differentiate between a block or information warning by process step.

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