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How Using Technology to Modernize Case Management in Government Programs Improves Service and Outcomes

Petra Eimiller
10 Mai, 2022

The human services departments within state and local governments are constantly dealing with growing caseloads and shrinking budgets—and today, employee shortages, But they still have the responsibility of delivering quality services to the people of their city, county, or state. In short, case management has never been more challenging. The solution: case management technology. But what does that look like?

Case in Point: A county’s HHS department struggles with case management across programs

One of the oldest counties in a western state is one such example. The county’s Department of Human Services was struggling with an inefficient case management process, namely how daily caseloads were being managed across several programs. They were depending on Excel spreadsheets and SharePoint, along with dozens of different systems, none of which were being kept up to date.

While these are all excellent tools, they were not designed for case management; not only do those tools not have the functionality needed to support the specialized processes for managing cases, participants, outcomes, and other requirements, but there was no way for different programs to see information about clients they shared with other programs or departments. The result was an impact on the standard of care and outcomes.

It was time for new case management technology. The county engaged with Microsoft and HSO to streamline and automate case management, focusing on:

  • System intake
  • Program qualification screening
  • Program intake
  • Case management
  • Offboarding

Case management technology can make all the difference in providing quality care if it supports a client-first focus—processes that put the client first:

  • Cloud-based to support people in the field while protecting sensitive data
  • Access to baseline and milestone data for outcome reports to funders and acting on trends to make improvements
  • A robust, flexible framework that supports growth, multiple programs, and fast onboarding of new services while making it easy to set up program-specific workflows and collect data for reporting requirements

With Microsoft case management technology, implemented by HSO, the department is meeting its goals:

  • A modernized application to support future growth within the department
  • Data security for sensitive data
  • Ability to see the holistic history of services for a client
  • Reduction of redundant data entry across programs

On-Demand Video: How Governments are Empowering Self-Sufficiency with Microsoft Case Management Technology

Microsoft and HSO, a Gold-certified Microsoft partner that has been working with state and local governments to help them digitally transform for more than 20 years, hosted a virtual event demonstrating Microsoft’s Case Management solutions for government.

Read more on Case Management for Government

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