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Connected Processes: AEC Software Should Promote User Adoption

02 Nov, 2022

Architecture, engineering, and construction firms are always on the hot seat to win business and keep business while optimizing revenue. While technology comes into play when addressing these challenges, it’s only one part of a singular but critical goal… creating a Connected Firm. To achieve a connected firm, you need to have the right technology, but you also need to know how to apply that technology. With connectivity in processes, insights, productivity, relationships, and tools, your firm becomes a well-oiled machine.

In this blog article, part of our series on the Connected Firm, I share my insights on Connected Processes. Process optimization through optimizing steps in individual processes is a good start, but it is important to create processes that work together to support strategic goals while reducing the time and effort wasted on manual processes. Without this connectivity, you not only risk losing opportunities for new business or the loyalty of your current customers, but you also risk losing buy-in from your employees on proposed process or technology changes meant to make their jobs easier.

As a digital transformation specialist, I speak with prospects in the professional services industry daily. One of the pain points most often mentioned is low user adoption of new technology or processes.

This is frustrating to hear, especially when software implementations are supposed to make their lives easier by automating tedious tasks, enabling accurate and fast reporting, and streamlining processes.

Ensure high user adoption

User adoption rates are dependent upon many factors; however, a few that come to mind are the quality of training provided to users, the cleanliness of data, mobility, and ease of use. Executive enforcement of system use is imperative to high(er) user adoption as well. If management is not necessitating system use, let’s face it, the system is not going to be used by everyone. The issue is that user adoption is not considered (or given enough weight) during the process of selecting a new ERP or CRM system. If you are looking for a new system, and you want to ensure high user adoption, here are some questions to ask:

The power of Microsoft Dynamics 365

Today’s AEC firms envision better adoption of today’s emerging technology. Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) removes the roadblocks to adoption while delivering significant return of investment and gaining efficiencies by connecting business processes across organizational teams. With the power of the cloud and advanced intelligence capabilities, D365 enables a 360-degree view of firms, allowing them to take control of their business, while driving efficiencies and collaboration across the firm.

aec360 eliminates excuses when it comes to user adoption. The solution can be accessed from any device, anytime, anywhere. Users can access the entire solution in Microsoft Teams, and aec360 CRM can be accessed from Microsoft Outlook. Functionality like voice-to-text has been developed to enable busy seller/doers the ability to input their data on the go, from anywhere.

Get Connected with aec360

With Microsoft’s Power BI embedded in aec360, not only will you have a connected AEC firm, but you will have the ability to capture a snapshot of any part of any process.

How to Achieve a Connected AEC Firm with Dynamics 365 and aec360

aec360 can help you connect processes and more. Find out how in our on-demand webinar How to Achieve a Connected AEC Firm with Dynamics 365 and aec360.

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