DnA Framework for Data, AI & Analytics

Transform your business into a data-driven organization with HSO's comprehensive suite of data and analytics offerings, built with Microsoft Fabric / Synapse Analytics, designed to empower organizations in their data-driven journey.

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A comprehensive suite of data and analytics offerings built with Microsoft Azure (Fabric, Synapse Analytics, Azure Integration Services, etc.)

To drive digital transformation and growth, it is vital to establish a data-driven culture as the foundation for all strategic decision-making.

HSO's DnA Framework addresses your data needs across all transformation stages. Through a selection of the following offerings, our experts will tailor a plan to accelerate your journey and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

HSO's DnA Accelerators are also available for Microsoft Government Community Cloud (GCC) users, built with security and compliance at the forefront of every solution.

Data Strategy Assessment & Roadmap

If considering or currently undergoing a digital transformation, we'll help you evaluate your current data and analytics landscape to develop a robust data strategy aligned with your business objectives and optimize your data assets to support making data-centric decisions.

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HSO's suite of data and analytics offerings designed to empower organizations in their data-driven journey and early adoption of Microsoft Fabric

HSO's DnA Framework