Chapter 3

The continuous development of technology to enhance business performance

"Technology alone does not transform companies - it is business processes change that transforms companies, and technology makes it possible and scalable"

Alexandre Kozlov Head of International IT at Kelly Services

Looking to the future, Kozlov believes there will be a wider usage of AI-based technologies to help with tasks such as matching candidates and handling CVs. “There will also be proliferation of these
technologies at the back end for companies. They will try to look into data that’s available to them while marrying this data with some external sources of information to understand trends and potentially even predict some emerging trends so that they are better prepared to react to coming market changes.” He explained how the beauty of digital transformation is that once you start this
journey, you’ll probably never finish it, though not in a negative way – it's more of an excitement of what is to come. “We continue looking at the opportunities where we can deliver new services to
our candidates and clients.

We position ourselves as a specialty staffing and recruitment company. Here, we see many opportunities in moving forward as the market is also very dynamic. Overall, I see great opportunities and I would say that the usage of technology and importance of technology will only increase.” In regards to Kelly Services’ continuous digital transformation, Kozlov concluded:
“First and foremost, we will continue our digital transformation journey. We want to offer new opportunities to our talent that match their individual skills and career aspirations, and provide new services to our clients when choosing specific needs. It's become a little bit more complicated in the more volatile world of today, but I think we have great technologies that will help us to overcome those obstacles and deliver on our business commitments.”