Chapter 3

A Proven Approach to Agility and Risk

At HSO, we recognise that Change Management is a prerequisite for any successful project. Without it, projects and transitions can lose their way and waste considerable time and money.

Change Management is about acknowledging that successful change comes from individuals. It helps people go beyond simply ‘accepting’ change to seeing the purpose behind it and recognising that it will help make their lives easier, quicker and happier.

For any project to be successful, it’s important to recognise early on that success is not dependent on the technology itself. A system adopted by 80% of 1,000 workers will achieve a level of success, but the ultimate return on investment won’t come until all 1,000 employees have adopted the ‘new way.’

Assessing those gaps and evaluating an individual’s journey through the project is why Change Management is so vital. By identifying impacted groups and understanding potential levels of resistance, you can work to lessen the impact before they can harm the project.

Holistic communication throughout the organisation is also essential to reinforce what is happening and why. This enables people to clearly see where they fit within the project and understand how they will benefit from introduced changes.

Change Management as-a-service is something HSO provides. But Change Management is not just a service, it’s an approach that dramatically increases the chance of a project being adopted successfully.

A good Change Management process means people stop fearing change and instead become receptive to it, understanding why it is being made and its importance. This maximises the value of investments and minimises the risks associated with change.

The Prosci ADKAR® Model is a useful acronym for the steps in Change Management:

• Build DESIRE
• Transfer KNOWLEDGE
• Understand the ABILITY of the person to deliver
REINFORCE to sustain the change

- Tracey Roberts, Head of Dynamics 365 HR & Change Management