Dynamics 365 for Marketing, Adobe Marketing Cloud, ClickDimensions and HubSpot

Finding your way in a rapidly expanding landscape of marketing tools

As a CMO of a multinational company, you must have a marketing automation tool that supports next-level lead generation and brand awareness. It‘s hard to choose between applications that all have their strengths. This comparison will help you choose the technology that assists you in winning and retaining customers, without limits or boundaries.

Being entrusted with the responsibility of lead generation and brand awareness positions you at the forefront of organizational growth. To effectively develop strategies and achieve these goals, it is crucial to have a unified repository for all client data, serving as the single source of the truth.

Consequently, your team requires an innovative platform that is not only scalable but also equipped for next- generation technology, seamlessly integrating with ERP, sales, and customer service modules. This platform should provide the freedom to explore novel approaches and channels for engaging customers in a more targeted and relevant manner.

The four major players in the market today are:

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing
  • Adobe Marketing Cloud
  • ClickDimensions
  • HubSpot

In this selection guide we compare these four solutions for you so that you can select the one with the best fit for your company.