Chapter 1

Retail: where are we today?

In the past two years the retail arena has changed faster than ever expected. This has brought new pain points to the surface and made existing challenges even more urgent. What are retail companies struggling with and what is needed to survive and thrive in today’s market?

Disrupted supply chains

What retailers say: “We are experiencing gaps and shortages in our supply chain worldwide. We’re seeing costs rise. That means margins are under pressure. We need reliable and better insights into our supply chain to improve forecasting and inventory management.”

The HSO approach: we bring together data from back- and front-end and build a data layer that connects, integrates and analyzes data. Because companies that have better insight into planning, production and forecasting have a huge advantage. The result is a single source of truth and a set of reliable insights that are essential to act, measure and improve. It enables process automation, smart routing and intelligent forecasting.

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How we help Retail & Distribution companies