Kapitel 4

Getting started with smart maintenance

In practice, we see many companies starting experiments in the field of IoT, predictive and smart maintenance. Think of placing sensors and developing the first machine learning models. Unfortunately, it often remains at this exploratory phase. So how do you realize smart maintenance with added value and impact on your results?

HSO – as a Microsoft solution integrator – has all the technology and expertise in-house to deliver the complete smart maintenance chain. HSO employs experienced specialists in the field of architecture, IoT and
infrastructure, data analytics, AI and field service. Do you want to take concrete steps with smart maintenance?

Attend our free, 60-minute envisioning workshop, where we look at the possibilities for your company and immediately get to work with practical use cases.

Robots with boxes in a manufacturing plant

Workshop: Smart Maintenance in 60 minutes

- Turnaround time: 60 minutes
- Location: Online workshop via Teams or on-site
- Free of charge

In an online 1-on-1 session of 60 minutes, we jointly discuss the questions around smart maintenance in your industry and company and outline how you can take the first steps. We identify concrete use cases that can be tackled pragmatically by leveraging Microsoft Dynamics 365, Azure IoT and the Power Platform. Contact us below to arrange your workshop.

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