Kapitel 5

Why HSO?
We have done it before

We use technology as a means of addressing the challenges that come with intelligent enterprise automation

We help companies modernize business operations, adopt intelligent automation, deliver real-time performance insights and connect the enterprise. This way we accelerate the impact of digital transformation.

We choose Microsoft because the products and solutions from the Microsoft Cloud are leading in the industry. And we know that their real strength is in the integration. HSO is one of the few Microsoft partners that can support your enterprise automation strategy using the complete Microsoft stack, delivering more value.

Our solutions are based on best practices: we have done it before

Industry 4.0 - the digital, smart factory of the future - presents huge opportunities for manufacturing companies and technical service providers. But before you stuff machines with sensors, we ask another question: how can technology support the growth and continuity of your business? When the answer is clear, we design and build an application landscape that supports this strategy.

We meet you wherever you are

Our Enterprise Architects and Change & Adoption Consultants support you with creating awareness, so that our customers know where they stand and what they need to change. We like to work with assessments at the beginning of projects, combined with a Discovery phase. In these assessments we examine how advanced an organization is on certain topics: think of architecture, portfolio management, security and governance.

You need this information because these are important indicators of how fast a company can go. It helps to address issues earlier in the process that might require attention later. We understand that you don't go from the bottom of the stairs to the top in one leap. You will achieve better results when you get to the top step by step.

"In my view, HSO is unique in the sense that we can deliver all Microsoft services. We are a platform enabler. Moreover, we can set up the building blocks, and semi-finished products to jumpstart customers. We have best practices and accelerators that help customers get started quickly."

Peter Buenk Enterprise Architect at HSO

Want to take the first step?

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Offerings, knowledge and expertise in manufacturing and enterprise automation