Meet Kevin Kotzab

From Young Professional Programme Graduate, to CRM Consultant in under two years.

Kevin Kotzab
Consultant Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE

"Working at HSO provides me with one tremendous decisive benefit, and that’s the employees and colleagues I work with. For me personally, the best thing about working at HSO is having a team and colleagues I enjoy working with and with whom I also have very good relationships across the board."

A major international company

I joined HSO directly after completing my master’s degree in customer relationship management at the Technical University of Chemnitz. After my studies, I started my job search in my home town of Stuttgart. HSO was one of the first places I contacted. It’s a major international company, it’s based in the Stuttgart area, and it gave me the opportunity to work in customer relationship management. The decision to apply was a very easy one, and I’ve never regretted it!

I’ve been with HSO for almost two years now. I joined the company as a Young Professional. I’ve followed a relatively traditional path, and I’ve been able to work my way up to become a consultant. As a result, I’ve taken on more responsibility, both in terms of projects and in my role at HSO.

Project teams are clearly structured

My team at HSO consists of colleagues from the CE (Customer Engagement) area, and it includes developers, solution architects, and consultants. It’s a mixture of different roles. There are six people on our team, and once a week we have a short meeting where we exchange information about the various projects we’re working on and discuss open topics and questions.

Our project teams are more clearly structured. We have individual consultants, solution architects, and developers, as well as a project manager who leads both the entire project and the team. They also maintain a structured approach to ensure that the project runs smoothly.

HSO Germany

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Consulting & Technology

(Senior) Consultant (m/w/d) Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service - remote

HSO gehört zu den weltweit besten Microsoft Dynamics Partnern für Unternehmenslösungen und Implementierungen und ist Mitglied des Microsoft Inner Circle, der seit 2007 die besten 1 Prozent der Partner weltweit repräsentiert. Wir beschäftigen mehr als 2.500 kompetente Mitarbeiter in Europa, im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum und in Nordamerika. Seit unserer Gründung im Jahr 1987 sind wir ein mehrfach prämiertes Unternehmen mit einer ehrgeizigen Wachstumsstrategie und suchen nun zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Consultant Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM mit dem Schwerpunkt Field Service (m/w/d) deutschlandweit. Strategische Gestaltung von Kundenbeziehungen: Du wirst zu einem Architekten von Beziehungen, indem du Kunden bei der Konzeption und Implementierung von Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM-Lösungen im Field Service unterstützt. Dein Ziel ist es den Mehrwert aufzuzeigen und den Servicegänge zu transformieren. Kreative Prozessoptimierung: Als kreativer Denker analysierst du nicht nur Geschäftsprozesse, sondern formst und optimierst sie. Dein Fokus liegt darauf, innovative Wege zu finden, um den individuellen Anforderungen unserer Kunden gerecht zu werden. Kundenorientierung: Du wirst zum Problemlöser und Kundenversteher. Dein Ziel ist es, kundenspezifische Anforderungen zu verstehen und in erfolgreiche Lösungen mit Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM umzusetzen. Inspiration durch Schulungen: Nicht nur dein Wissen teilen, sondern auch die Begeisterung für Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM entfachen. Durch Schulungen und Workshops stellst du sicher, dass unsere Kunden das volle Potenzial der CRM-Plattform nutzen. Teamarbeit und Innovation: Bei HSO bist du kein Einzelkämpfer, sondern ein Teamplayer. Deine Zusammenarbeit mit interdisziplinären Teams ermöglicht es, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu schaffen und Best Practices im Bereich Microsoft Dynamics 365CRM weiterzuentwickeln.

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"Finally, perhaps one of the biggest benefits that HSO offers is allowing me to work without being tied to an office. We can work from home and, in principle, from anywhere. That’s a level of flexibility and freedom that you just don‘t find everywhere. For me, personally, it’s definitely one of the major pluses about working at HSO."

Kevin Kotzab Consultant Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE

Be yourself

When you‘re applying to HSO, I can only recommend not trying to portray yourself as something you’re not. That’ll get you nowhere. As I said, our HR team does a great job of selecting the best fit for each team, so there’s no point in pretending to be anything other than your authentic self, if that’s what HSO’s looking for. So just be yourself. Come to the interview and talk to people, and everything will take care of itself.

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Like-minded people and similar personalities together

Working at HSO provides me with one tremendous decisive benefit, and that’s the employees and colleagues I work with. For me personally, the best thing about working at HSO is having a team and colleagues I enjoy working with and with whom I also have very good relationships across the board.

I’ve also never had an issue with any of my colleagues on a project; in fact, it’s always been the case that everybody works very well together. I have to say that our HR team also does a very good job of putting like-minded people and similar personalities together.

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